Prism's advanced multistage pre treatment systems are perfectly suited for both batch and continuous operation. These perform a through cleaning of all metal parts to be processed, and provide superior corrosion protection. Reducing effluent load uses cascaded ranges for water conservation, there. Clean bath and bath life is achieved by incorporating continuous oil separation and phosphate sludge separation system. Flexible nozzles ensure easy adjustment of spray direction and air pocket direction. Quick release pipe coupling and nozzles aid easy maintenance.
Dip pretreatment - tank arrangement
Dip pretreatment
Dip pretreatment
Advanced F.R.P/S.S. systems are compatible with all solutions and therefore off high chemical resistance and prevention of mechanical damages, CHROME Free post pretreatment (de-ionized water rinse) facilitates better sealing.Water treatment plants are effectively employed to treat the effluent and they conform to local statuary requirements.
Surface preparation can be done by multistage operations .The most commonly used multistage operations are 3 stage and 5 stage by following ways.
1. Spray Pre-Treatment Line: This method of pre treatment employs the use of an electrical motor to power a pump providing pressurized solution through a heating coil to a hose and hand held wand assembly.
The heat is providing by oil or gas fired burner to a heating coil that is part of this stand-alone system.
Advantages -> Can be used for large and bulk components.
Disadvantages -> Skilled labors required for troubleshooting.
2. Dip Pre-Treatment Line: This process is dipped process, which employs one or more tanks That holds solution in which the parts are batched or process dipped continuously via overhead conveyor. This is basically preferred for batch process .
Advantages ->Simple to maintain, low capital cost, prolonged chemical contact time is possible complete contact with chemical solution and more flexible chemistry can be used.
Disadvantages-> Suits for batch process only.

3. Re-circulating spray process: This the most preferred pretreatment process used in the industry as it has better efficiency. This process reduces the waste management systems.
Advantages -> High efficiency levels of cleaning and conversion possible. Re-circulation keeps the part in contact with fresh solution. Process time can be shortened energy saving is possible.
Disadvantages -> High capital and maintenance cost. Trouble shooting techniques requires expertise.

Spray tunnel
Heating Systems
Some of the heating methods available are immersion tanks, plate coils and plate and frame heat exchangers. Immersion tubes are long tubes along the floor area of the tank. Heat transfer takes place along the surface of the tubes. The fuels used for this type of heat source are propane, LPG, HSD and LSD. The plate coils are very cost effective if there is an existing steams source available in the plant. These are immersed inside the tank and the steam is sent thro the tubes.
SCADA is the abbreviation for Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. It generally refers to an industrial control system which is meant to function across a wide area with an autonomous Remote Terminal Unit (RTU).
Prism has installed many pre treatment plants for powder coating plants and painting plants worldwide such as egypt, Russia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Algeria, morocco, Israel, Saudi arabia,Tunisia, Kenya, Nigeria, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, united states, Germany, France, japan, china, mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Germany Peru, Jordan,Iran, Switzerland,Austria, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, UAE/dubai, kuwait, Ghana etc.
Our installations in India include Pune, Chennai, Mumbai ,Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Gujarat, Pitampur, Jamshedpur, Coimbatore, Hosur, Tamil Nadu etc.